Thursday 5 April 2012


This is my final poster and then I placed it into context. I like it because it is quite simple and you can easily understand it. Even though it is simple I like how it is still detailed and interesting. 


I then tried some different layouts for my poster. I made the images smaller and made more of them because I thought this made it less dull.  The poster I like the most is the middle one because it has the most variety of sizes and placements and this makes it more interesting than the others and I like how the logo blends in with the instruments.


I first made my own instruments and made them all quite easily recognisable so that the audience can tell what they are.

I then tried a simple layout for these instruments and text but I thought it looked to simple and dull and there isn't enough instruments. I also thought that the layout with the text placed at the bottom isn't interesting enough aswell.


I then thought about how I could show music into a poster and liked the idea of clean illustrations of instruments because it is easily understandable and it wouldn't over power the text on the poster.

I then researched images of instruments illustrations

I like these silhouettes because they are simple and you understand what they are instantly and you can easily understand that it is showing music by having theses. I think making my own version of these would be good for my outcome.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


My first idea to show Music in my poster was by using topography but made up from music notes so then it becomes alot more interesting and eye-catching than just having the word music. The first thing I did was to make a variety of different musical notes.

This was my first idea using typography and I don't like it and I don't think that typography is the right way to go with this. The problem is that it isn't big enough and the word music gets overpowered by everything else.